Eight limbs of yoga

As the mind, so the man. Bondage or liberation are in your own mind
— Sanskirt saying

Yoga as we view it in the Western world is the practice of asanas which is only one of the eight limbs of yoga. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali discuss the eight limbs in detail. The Sutras were written in 500B.C and are still relevant to this day. We can use them as a guide for self development and as a guide on how to be in the world. Yoga means ‘to yoke’ or ‘union’. Yoga is a way of life and not only a form of physical exercise. The idea of union could be seen as the union of the body, breath and mind. Union could also be viewed as uniting individual consciousness with universal consciousness.

I’ll blog in more detail in the coming months on each of the eight limbs as I reflect on how I try to incorporate them into my own life.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga:

  1. YAMA - moral disciplines

    • Ahimsa (non-violence)

    • Satya (truthfulness)

    • Asteya (non-stealing)

    • Brahmacharya (moderation)

    • Aparigraha (non-greed)

  2. NIYAMA - observances or duties

    • Saucha (purity)

    • Santosha (contentment)

    • Tapas (to burn)

    • Swadhyaya (study for self improvement)

    • Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to a higher power)

  3. Asana - Posture

  4. Pranyama - Breath control

  5. Pratyahara - Sense withdrawal

  6. Dharana - Focused concentration

  7. Dhyana - Meditation

  8. Samadhi - Enlightenment

Most yoga teachers will incorporate Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sense withdrawal), Dharana (focused concentration) and maybe even Dhyana (meditation) into their yoga classes. If you do any form of breathing practice during your yoga class you are practicing Pranayama. Pratyahara (sense withdrawal) and Dharana (focused concentration) can be practiced by carrying out a body scan followed by focusing on the breath during Savasana and relaxation at the end of a yoga class. The Yamas and Niyamas are a great guide to living well.

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