September - theme is Individuation

My yoga practice has been changing over the last year. I'm feeling drawn to the intuitive dancer of my childhood and teens who already knew how to move without thinking first and who knew how to heal herself.

We are about to start a new month. September. There is also a new moon this weekend. We are in Virgo season. I'm returning to earth as guide. This September I'll be replacing my yoga mat with the ground in my back garden. Rain, hail or shine. I can feel my power and ability to 'fly' when I ground myself first. Grounding is foundation, stability, security and safety.

In September there is still some harvesting left to do and new creative ideas emerging. I am about to turn 40 and am drawn to the teachings of Carl Jung on the process of individuation.

The last two years have been a confusing period for me and I have not always made decisions that were right for me or for my loved ones. A kind of dark night of the soul. I'm learning to embrace my imperfections, learn and grow.

I am not ready yet to 'teach' yoga classes on a regular basis as I'm still in a figuring it out stage of my life. I'll keep posting and blogging in the meantime in the hope that some of what I am learning resonates and helps others to see that we are not alone.

Lots of love, Lynne


Loving Kindness