Yoga Props

Be still. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity.
— Lao Tzu

Blocks, bolsters, belts and more. I used to ignore the props left by the mat. Now I love them.

Yoga props help to stabilise, support and ground in a pose.

Yoga is for everyone and everyone’s yoga is different so props allow modifications and variations in key poses.

I use props to take the stress out of a pose. When I feel stable and safe I can focus on my breath. My breath allows me to turn my attention inwards. This is what yoga is for me, a journey inwards so that I can be a better version of myself out in the world.

Blocks, blankets and bolsters bring the ground to you. This allows for a supported ease into alignment commonly utilised in restorative yoga practice.

Belts allow limbs to come closer together in poses that involve reaching or binding. By using the belt to bridge a gap other aspects of a pose like posture and alignment are less likely to be compromised.

A wheel can be used to support dynamic poses. I use mine to help with back bends and for core work.

Eye pillows remove light. Allows for deeper relaxation and a faster journey inwards. My favourite prop. Very useful for yoga nidra. My next blog post will be on yoga nidra and its benefits.

Disclaimer: Content on is not a substitute for in person medical or health professional assessment and advice. If you have concerns about your health always seek out a medical professional assessment. I setup to authentically share my learning experiences as I practice yoga. My experiences are influenced by my background in physiotherapy but content posted is not affiliated with any health body/organisations or professional body. The content reflects my experiences and my views and should not be taken as personal health advice. Always practice yoga under the supervision and guidance of a qualified yoga instructor. I assume no responsibility and am not liable for any injury or loss sustained that may result from practicing yoga or in connection with any of the content posted on


Yoga Nidra

