
Too much of anything brings problems. Too little may be inadequate.
— T.K.V Desikachar

This week I have been reflecting on Brahmacharya and my relationship with exercise.

Sutra 2.38 states that by one established in continence, vigor is gained. In the Sanskrit the word virya is used for vigor. Virya is vital energy, like prana. There is a temptation in life to chase the high which depletes virya. Sutra 2.15 discusses the desire to repeat pleasurable experiences which then causes suffering. When is enough, enough?

In ‘Threads of Yoga’ Pamela Seeling discusses how our deeper self knows naturally what is and isn’t good for us. However, if we have become disconnected from our deeper self then finding moderation can be difficult. We might not recognise subtle energy depletion until we experience maximal energy depletion in burnout.

Exercise is my stress reducer. I call it my healthy addiction. A contradiction. I have a tendency to over exercise. Especially if I have a goal. Currently I am trying to get stronger to achieve head stands, forearm stands and hand stands. I will sometimes be so set on the end goal that I am not monitoring my energy levels and then I am at risk of injury. Over the years I have gotten better at listening to what my body needs. At different times of my menstrual cycle I have learned that my body needs and responds better to different types of exercise.
I have come to accept that recovery and rest days are necessary in order to revitalise and be ready for more practice.

Other examples of pleasurable highs that I find hard to moderate:

-Netflix binges


-Food- Chocolate is my weakness and tomorrow is Easter Sunday!

-Work/learning task

-Sharing life experiences with friends and family - I can tip into over sharing or filling silence with conversation

The key is not to restrict as restriction causes urges which cause us to overly attach to our suffering in absence of what we desire. So how do we find the sweet spot? How do we know that we are clinging to what we enjoy rather than experiencing it fully in the moment? If you find the answer, let me know!

Anything in excess can cause distress and lack of focus. The remedy however is not repression but rather a watchful and moderate engagement.
— Julie Ela Grace - Insight Timer

References and Resources:

-The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali , Translation and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, 2019

-The Heart of Yoga, Developing a Personal Practice, T.K.V Desikachar, 1995

-Threads of Yoga, Pamela Seelig, 2021

-Applying the Yamas & Niyamas to Everyday Life. Julie Ela Grace. 10 Day Course on Insight Timer.



